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FlG 1. Bar graph shows systolic blood pressure SBP ; measured by tail-cuff plethysmography after 10 weeks of exposure to experimental conditions ie, at 17 weeks of age ; . Both long-term air jet noise exposure Air Noise ; and 8% NaCl diet significantly increased SBP. Data are meanSEM. Numbers in parentheses indicate number of rats per group.
A trial of opioid therapy should be given to all patients with pain of moderate or greater severity, irrespective of the underlying pathophysiological mechanism. As discussed in Chapter 8.2.10, the suggestion that some forms of pain, such as neuropathic pain, are intrinsically refractory to opioid analgesia has been refuted by several studies that demonstrate that pain mechanisms do not accurately predict analgesic outcome from opioid therapy. 158 ; Given the variability of response, all opioid trials in the clinical setting should include dose titration until adequate analgesia occurs or intolerable adverse effects supervene. This approach will identify those responders who can gain substantial clinical benefit from opioid therapy. Patients whose pain is not easily controlled with an opioid analgesic because of troublesome adverse effects may benefit from alternative strategies and these are discussed below
Of cells such as that of sperm by measuring damage within individual cells. The assay is simple, inexpensive and requires few cells for analysis. The nucleus is not the sperm's only source of DNA; the mitochondrion also has its own genome. During recent years, mitochondrial mt ; DNA mutations have been identied in numerous diseases Wallace et al., 1994 ; . mtDNA changes have also been identied as the origin of ageing Shigenaga et al., 1994 ; , and more recently as a cause of male infertility Cummins et al., 1994; St John et al., 1997 ; . mtDNA is also an indicator of the health of the sperm. mtDNA deletions lead to decient oxidative phosphorylation that, in turn, causes abnormal metabolism and inadequate sperm motility. Despite its importance, mtDNA has not yet been fully characterized in human sperm, nor has any potential relationship with successful assisted reproduction treatment ART ; outcome been determined. In this study we used a long PCR LPCR ; Lestienne et al., 1997 ; to determine the number and size of mtDNA deletions in testicular and ejaculated sperm and a modied alkaline Comet assay Hughes et al., 1996; Donnelly et al., 1999 ; to assess nDNA. We then investigated the relationship between mtDNA, nDNA, and fertilization and pregnancy rates following ICSI with ejaculated and testicular TICSI ; sperm to assess the value of mtDNA and nDNA damage separately and in combination as prognostic tests for treatment outcomes. Materials and methods.
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Ith a steady stream of radio and tv flashes, news junkies around the world kept count of the 119 days in which thousands took to Belgrade's streets, protesting the authorities' attempt to steal local election results of 18 November. But in the Serbian capital, for accurate coverage of the events, the choice was simple: either hit the streets or tune into Radio B-92. The state and pro-governmental stations didn't mention the demonstrations until the final weeks, when they offered mostly negative criticism. But with another small independent radio station, B-92 managed to shatter the electronic blackout. Granted, the signal was weak, barely audible in some neighbourhoods. But when those broadcasts suddenly stopped on 15 December after the authorities blocked the frequency, the shockwaves reached well beyond the Balkans. More than 35 foreign tv and radio teams crammed into the B-92 office, not just covering the news but offering to air part of the station's programme. On the diplomatic front, foreign governments and international organizations like the European Union assailed Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic with letters and calls of protest. And all the while, the streets rang with demonstrators shouting the names of their favourite journalists. Within 50 hours, B-92 was back in business and meprobamate.
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Knowledge of treatment. For a cell to be considered Fos-ir and AVP-ir, the cytoplasm required to be stained brown and the nucleus black. The two to three sections containing the PVN or SON that most closely matched the Paxinos and Watson rat brain stereotaxic atlas 29 ; were counted for each animal. The total number of Fos-ir and double-staining cells was counted in the PVN at -1.9 mm and the SON at -1.4 mm from the bregma, respectively. Magnocellular and parvocellular divisions were identified according to the previous study 4, 40 ; . The number of Fos-ir and double-stained cells was then divided by the total number of sections counted to provide a mean cell count per slide for each division.
President Assoc Prof David Ellis President Elect Prof Julian Rood Vice President, Scientific Affairs Dr Hatch Stokes Vice President, Corporate Affairs Mr Geoff Coombs WA Ms Nicola Barrett Royal Perth Hospital Wellington Street, Perth, WA 6000 Tel: 08 ; 9224 2444 E-mail: nicola rett health.wa.gov.au NT sub branch ; Mr Kevin Freeman 12 Beacon Court, Palmerston, NT 0830 Tel: 08 ; 8922 8685 E-mail: kevin eeman nt.gov.au Computers Mr Paul Hakendorf Flinders Medical Centre Clinical Epidemiology & Health Outcomes Unit Bedford Park, SA 5042 Tel: 08 ; 8204 5327 Ext 4451 E-mail: paul.hakendorf flinders .au Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals Dr Paul Priscott AMS Laboratories 118 Hattersley Street, Rockdale, NSW 2216 Tel: 02 ; 9567 8544 E-mail: applied tig .au Culture Collections Mrs Laura Maddock University of Tasmania School of Agriculture Science GPO Box 252-54, Hobart, Tas 7001 Tel: 03 ; 6226 2628 E-mail: laura.maddock utas .au Culture Media Ms Alida Scholtes University of Melbourne Media Preparation Unit Dept of Microbiology & Immunology Parkville, Vic 3052 Tel: 03 ; 9347 9821 E-mail: alida unimelb .au Education Ms Cheryl Power University of Melbourne Dept of Microbiology Parkville, Vic 3052 Tel: 03 ; 8344 0332 E-mail: cheryljp unimelb .au Food Microbiology Mr Glen Higgs Food Science Australia Microbiology & Production Hygience PO Box 3312, Tingalpa DC, Qld 4173 Tel: 07 ; 3214 2000 E-mail: glen.higgs foodscience. afisc.csiro.au Laboratory Management Vacant Microbial Ecology Dr John Bowman University of Tasmania Antarctica CRC GPO Box 252-80 Hobart, Tas 7001 Tel: 03 ; 6226 2776 E-mail: john.bowman utas .au Microbial Physiology Dr Rick Cavicchioli University of New South Wales School of Microbiology & Immunology Sydney, NSW 2052 Tel: 02 ; 9385 3516 E-mail: r vicchioli unsw .au Molecular Microbiology Dr Elizabeth Hartland Monash University Dept. of Microbiology Clayton, Vic 3800 Tel: 03 ; 9905 4323 E-mail: Liz.Hartland med. monash .au Mycobacteria Mr Richard Lumb IMVS Infectious Diseases Laboratories PO Box 14, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA 5000 Tel: 08 ; 8222 3579 E-mail: richardlumb imvs.sa.gov.au Mycology Dr Weiland Meyer Westmead Hospital ICPMR CIDMLS Microbiology Level 2, Room 3114A Darcy Road, Westmead, NSW 2145 Tel: 02 ; 8344 5701 E-mail: w.meyer usyd, edu, au Mycoplasmatales Dr Steven Djordjevic Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute Private Mail Bag 8 Camden, NSW 2570 Tel: 02 ; 4640 6426 E-mail: steve.djordevic agric.nsw.gov.au Ocular Microbiology Dr Mark Willcox University of New South Wales Rupert Myers Building Sydney, NSW 2052 Tel: 02 ; 9385 7524 E-mail: m.willcox crcert.unsw .au Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Mrs Janice Stavropoulos Liverpool Hospital, Microbiology Dept Locked Bag 7090 Liverpool BC, NSW 1871 Tel: 02 ; 9828 5138 E-mail: janice avropoulos swsahs.nsw.gov.au Probiotic and Gut Microbiology Assoc Prof Kaila Kailasapathy Centre for Advanced Food Research University of Western Sydney Locked Bag 1797, SPDC, NSW 1797 Tel: 02 ; 4570 1231 Fax: 02 ; 4570 1954 E-mail: k.kailasapathy uws .au Public Health Microbiology Dr Geoffrey Hogg University of Melbourne Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Parkville, Vic 3052 Tel: 03 ; 8344 5713 E-mail: g.hogg mdu melb .au Rapid Methods Vacant Serology Ms Robyn Wood QML, 60 Ferry Road Westend, Qld 4101 Tel: 07 ; 3840 4046 E-mail: robynwood qml .au Students Ms Joanne Clarke Macquarie University Biological Sciences North Ryde NSW 2113 Bundoora Vic 3083 Tel: 02 ; 9850 6978 E-mail: jclarke ma.bio.mq .au Veterinary Microbiology Dr Glenn Browning The University of Melbourne Vet Preclinic Centre Gratton Street Parkville, Vic 3052 Tel: 03 ; 8344 7342 E-mail: glenfb unimelb .au Virology Dr Paul Young University of Queensland Microbiology & Parasitology St Lucia, Qld 4072 Tel: 07 ; 3636 8718 E-mail: p.young mailbox.uq.oz.au Women's and Children's Microbiology Convenor: Dr Suzanne Garland Royal Children's Hospital Microbiology 132 Grattan Street Melbourne VIC 8045 Tel: 03 ; 9344 2476 E-mail: garlands cryptic.rch melb .au Secretary: Mr Andrew Lawrence Women's & Children's Hospital Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Dept 72 King William Road North Adelaide, SA 5006 Tel: 08 ; 8204 6376 E-mail: lawrencea wch.s.gov.au and mercaptopurine.
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This is a very easy and "quick" method of growing volumes. There are of course other concerns about growing the filesystem as well, but that is beyond the scope of this doc and you will find great instructions on doing so in the VxFS Admin Guide or in the Solaris Administrators Collection for UFS. It should also be noted that there are reciprical commands for shrinking volumes using the vxassist methods "shrinkto" and "shrinkby" in the same manner we did above. For more information on using these take a look at the man page, but know that it's just as easy as we did in the last example. Another vxassist method exsists which allows you to completely augment your volumes, using "relayout". With relayout you can change the number of columns which is important when adding or removing disks from a stripe or RAID5 ; , change the plex type from stripe to concat, and visa-versa, from stripe-mirror to RAID5, and visa-versa ; , and almost any other change you could want to make. Relayout can also get you out of some hairy situations, and is a valuable tool, but not to be abused. Relayout is a course unto itself, so for information on it check out my Advanced Theory course and the VxVM Administrators Guide.
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Examination. Thus, all patients will be assessed for poststroke aphasia or cognitive impairment. Principal Investigator: Prof J.M. Orgogozo, MD. Fax 33556981378 Bordeaux, France ; Contact: Joel Thirot, MD. Phone 32-2-55-99-363 Brussels, Belgium ; Location: Europe, Argentina, Singapore, Taiwan Number of Centers: 60 Sponsor: UCB S.A. Belgium Dates of Study: Recruitment started in the second quarter of 1998 and should be finished in December 2000.
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JPET #91181 CYP2C9 variant CYP2C9 * 5 ; expressed among African Americans. Mol Pharmacol 60: 382-387. Goldstein JA, Faletto MB, Romkes-Sparks M, Sullivan T, Kitareewan S, Raucy JL, Lasker JM and Ghanayem BI 1994 ; Evidence that CYP2C19 is the major S ; mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylase in humans. Biochemistry 33: 1743-1752. Ibeanu GC, Ghanayem BI, Linko P, Li L, Pedersen LG and Goldstein JA 1996.
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If immunologic correlates of efficacy are well established for each component of a combination vaccine, data from immunogenicity trials could provide a basis for license approval without the need for additional evidence studies 3 ; . When immunologic data are not sufficient, the type of evidence needed for approval will depend on the specific combination vaccine under consideration. For example, recent approvals of combination vaccines containing diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis antigens required randomized, double-blind, clinical efficacy trials to demonstrate that the new pertussis components were protective against clinical disease. However, immunologic data were relied upon to show that efficacy of the diphtheria and tetanus antigens had been maintained. Clinical efficacy trials of combination vaccines for multiple serotypes may have as a primary endpoint the aggregate of disease with all serotypes included. However, the study should be sufficiently powered to permit meaningful subgroup analysis of protection against some individual serotypes 3 ; . It important.
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And Utm. Robert ID. F u r BradMlifl MwDlM. Edward H. Lustbaum, 40, who v u ley Beech, waa graduated Friday uMclfttad With Bll father, Andrew from the Army Air Forces Advanced Lustbaum, SB conducting garage a t Flying school a t Moody -Field, Qs. Long Branch, died l u t Thursday In At his graduation he received his Monmouth Memorial hospital. H i "Wings' * and was commissioned a entered Ins hospital J u n and second' lieutenant, was laid to be on the road: to recovFreehold Couple Wed. ery from n illness he bad been iufMis * Audrey J. Bresnahen, feriasj for sent * time when ha w a daughter of M r , and Mrs, William stricken with a cerebral hemorrhage. Breanahan, and Frederick M FltUi, Besides hie father he Is purvlved by son of Mr. a n d Mrs, Frederick Fitch, a widow, a ion, two sisters and two both of. Freehold, were married Hunbrothers. day of lest weak in Hi, B o n of Lima church, A reception for Ti followed Married l a Ohio. Miss Kllnboth J , Kearns, daughter a t the bride's home and the couple of the late Mr. and M n , I then left for a trip to New York. K u r Freehold, waa married Belmar Girt Weds. June 11 to J Foueet ot Lorain, Mlsi Ooss, Mr, Ohio, a t the. latter place, The bride and M rAlienss y Sossdaughter of and a r of Belmar, i i V * TaSu jHjL hsa anllsted | B . and will oara. atlth's |iate eonference j u n .rearrruuusuniptlo: ware Fsprssemted, ' Dr, Josepb 10. raitf. Those not applying for rsnaw- m 1 tae AdalaJda Magill for H1U Top Island n a i Tunaday. B e will enter S a b also was a speaker t , m , Theresa I f u for S a d sarMce with the rutins; of capThe Red Bank ToWnsend club will tavern and WlUisua Kennedy for a tain. ' . : ..'.' . '. '"'. meet v e s Monday aventnp; a t the ta?irm near t h t Malawaa tevresnip' ltnllita In Navy. borough ball, at which time ranre line. - . RioharA Rlopel of of Mr. has Phone 1831. Mrs. RomsoRlopal, sonFreehold, and jsentatlVES will be selected to attend 36 Broad Street. rreasratH ; JEWEII ] lAMHBlANtDt; .t": li. : ., .ai&tmjak man. L. -: . snllstsd In th Navy a t Philadelphia I the regional- conference July 2-4 to . dtAIl art Bi n y , and'ta-now awaltlns K c a daty. IX a t Sprlngfltld, Mnmiirlimetts and mephenytoin.
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Latino Health Task Force16 emphasize the need for more bilingual healthcare providers, and several studies have pointed to links between North Carolina Latinos' health needs and the large number of recent immigrants and migrant workers in the population.15-19 Heterogeneity at regional, state, and local levels--in racial ethnic composition, socio-economic status, health infrastructure and resources, and any number of other community characteristics--has important implications for the ways researchers, providers, and policy makers approach public health issues. As readers of the North Carolina Medical Journal know, collaborations between community organizations, foundations, academic institutions, and local and state governments can foster important research in these areas. They will also lead to the development of innovative, sophisticated methods for targeted public health interventions.20-22 Concern about health disparities in local communities leads and methadone.
The histogram representing the frequency spectrum. The bi represent the default values which give a scale to the magnitudes of the pi. In practice the default is taken to be a flat level, independent of i. Starting from this featureless default level, the ME algorithm searches for a solution which maximises S - kx2, where A is a Lagrange multiplier. Initially A is chosen so that the algorithm puts most effort into minimising x2, with the aim of reducing its value to be equal to the number of data points. In the later stages the value of A is altered to concentrate on maximising the entropy. The advantage of the technique is that it tackles the forward problem, i.e. generates a frequency spectrum which is then transformed, as in 4 ; , to give the measured counts in each histogram, which are then compared to the.
34. R. J. Pohl and J. R. Fouts: A rapid method for assaying the metabolism of 7-ethoxyresorufin by microsomal subcellular fractions. Anal. Biochem. 107, 150 155 ; . 35. H. Yamazaki, M. Mimura, C. Sugahara, and T. Shimada: Catalytic roles of rat and human cytochrome P450 2A enzymes in testosterone 7 - and coumarin 7-hydroxylations. Biochem. Pharmacol. 48, 1524 1527 ; . 36. T. Shimada, J. P. Shea, and F. P. Guengerich: A convenient assay for mephenytoin 4-hydroxylase activity of human liver microsomal cytochrome P-450. Anal. Biochem. 147, 174 179 ; . 37. R. G. Knodell, S. D. Hall, G. R. Wilkinson, and F. P. Guengerich: Hepatic metabolism of tolbutamide: Characterization of the form of cytochrome P-450 involved in methyl hydroxylation and relationship to in vivo disposition. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 241, 11121119 1987 ; . 38. T. Kronbach, D. Mathys, J. Gut, T. Catin, and U. A. Meyer: Highperformance liquid chromatographic assays for bufuralol 1 -hydroxylase, debrisoquine 4-hydroxylase, and dextromethorphan O-demethylase in microsomes and purified cytochrome P-450 isozymes of human liver. Anal. Biochem. 162, 24 32 ; . 39. T. Omura and R. Sato: The carbon monoxide-binding pigment of liver microsomes. I. Evidence for its hemoprotein nature. J. Biol. Chem. 239, 2370 2378 ; . 40. K. Mihara and R. Sato: Purification and properties of the intact form of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase from rabbit liver microsomes. J. Biochem. Tokyo ; 78, 10571073 1975 ; . 41. M. Noshiro and T. Omura: Immunochemical study on the electron pathway from NADH to cytochrome P-450 of liver microsomes. J. Biochem. Tokyo ; 83, 6177 1978 ; . 42. C. H. Williams, Jr. and H. Kamin: Microsomal triphosphopyridine nucleotide-cytochrome c reductase of liver. J. Biol. Chem. 237, 587595 1962 ; . 43. F. P. Guengerich, P. Wang, and N. K. Davidson: Estimation of isozymes of microsomal cytochrome P-450 in rats, rabbits, and humans using and methazolamide.
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Membranes were isolated from the intercaruncular endometrium of hormone-treated ovariectomized ewes n 5 ; as described by Dunlap and Stormshak 4 ; . Endometrium 5 g ; was collected from ewes under dominance of E2 to ensure an enriched population of uterine OTR. It has been demonstrated previously that the majority of uterine endometrial OT receptors are localized in the intercaruncular endometrium 13 ; . This tissue is also more readily homogenized compared with caruncular endometrium. Endometrium was homogenized by use of a Tekmar Tissumizer Tekmar Co., Cincinnati, OH ; in 10 ml ice-cold buffer 25 mm Tris-HCl, 0.25 m sucrose, pH 7.4 ; with 5-sec bursts five times with a 30-sec pause between bursts. Crude homogenate was transferred to a Dounce tissue grinder Wheaton Science Products, Millville, NJ ; , and 10 strokes of the pestle were used to further homogenize any remaining clumps of tissue. The homogenate was then subjected to differential centrifugation to obtain a 100, 000 g membrane preparation. Membranes were evaluated for the ability of P4 to inhibit OT binding to OTR as previously described 4 ; . Briefly, aliquots of membranes 1 mg protein per milliliter ; were adjusted to a total volume of 750 l with a buffer of 25 mm Tris-HCl, 0.01% NaN3, and 15 mm EDTA pH 7.4 ; and incubated in the presence of P4 Steraloids, Newport, RI ; concentrations ranging from 0 5 ng ethanol final concentration of ethanol 1% vol vol ; for 1 h on shaking platform at room temperature 25 C ; . After incubation, all samples were centrifuged at 100, 000 g for 1 h to pellet membranes and remove any free P4. Membranes were resuspended in 500 l 25 mm Tris-HCl, 0.01% NaN3 buffer to correct for loss of one third of the protein through centrifugation ; . Specifically bound [3H]OT to membrane receptors was determined by radioreceptor assay for OTR as described below and meprobamate.
Partially repaired by suturing the defect, is presented and the main diagnostic criteria of this lesion are discussed on the basis of a review of the literature. Dyspnea on exertion is the most consistent symptom. The physical signs resemble those of a patent ductus, but the murmur is atypical in localization usually at the left of the lower sternum ; and, although systolic-diastolic, it is not continuous. X-ray is one of the most important aids for a correct diagnosis, showing bulging and dynamic pulsations of the ascending aorta, whereas, in a patent ductus, these signs involve mainly the aortic arch. The electrocardiogram is noncontributory. Cardiac catheterization is important because in the majority of reported cases there was pulmonary hypertension, and the exact location of the communication can be and methenamine.
Factors for prostate cancer in Japan. Jpn J Clin Oncol 1998; 28: 657-60. De Morais SM, Wilkinson GR, Blaisdell J, et al. The major genetic defect responsible for the polymorphism of 5mephenytoin metabolism in humans. J Biol Chem 1994; 269: 15419-22. De Morais SM, Wilkinson GR, Blaisdell J, et al. Identification of a new genetic defect responsible for the polymorphism of S ; -mephenytoin metabolism in Japanese. Mol Pharmacol 1994; 46: 594-8. Goldstein JA, Ishizaki T, Chiba K, et al. Frequencies of the defective CYP2C19 alleles responsible for the mephenytoin poor metabolizer phenotype in various Oriental, Caucasian, Saudi Arabian and American black populations. Pharmacogenetics 1997; 7: 59-64. Wadelius M, Autrup JL, Stubbins MJ, et al. Polymorphisms in NAT2, CYP2D6, CYP2C19 and GSTP1 and their association with prostate cancer. Pharmacogenetics 1999; 9: 333 l0. May DG. Genetic differences in drug disposition. J Clin Pharmacol 1994; 34: 881-97. Kroemer HK, Eichelbaum M. 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Isoenzyme s ; of glutathione transferase class Mu ; as a marker for the susceptibility to lung cancer: a follow up study. Carcinogenesis 1990; 11: 33-6. Autrup JL, Thomassen LH, Olsen JH, et al. Glutathione 5transferases as risk factors in prostate cancer. Eur J Cancer Prev 1999; 8: 525-32. Rebbeck TR, Walker AH, Jaffe JM, et al. Glutathione 5-transferase-mu GSTMI ; and -theta G5777 ; genotypes in the etiology of prostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1999; 8: 283-7. Kelada SN, Kardia SLR, Walker AH, et al. The glutathione 5transferase-mu and -theta genotypes in the etiology of prostate cancer: genotype-environment interactions with smoking. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 20O0; 9: 1329-34. Steinhoff C, Franke KH, Golka K, et al. Glutathione transferase isozyme genotypes in patients with prostate and bladder carcinoma. Arch Toxicol 2000; 74: 521-6. Robertson IG, Guthenberg C, Mannervik B, et al. Differences in stereoselectivity and catalytic efficiency of three human glutathione transferases in the conjugation of glutathione with 7P, 8a-dihydroxy-9a, 10a-oxy-7, a ; pyrene. Cancer Res 1986; 46: 2220-4. Inoue T, Ishida T, Sugio K, et al. Glutathione 5 transferase Pi is a powerful indicator in chemotherapy of human lung squamous-cell carcinoma. Respiration 1995; 62: 223-7. Lee WH, Morton RA, Epstein JL et al. Cytidine methylation of regulatory sequences near the pi-class glutathione 5-transferase gene accompanies human prostatic carcinogenesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 1994; 91: 11733-7. Cookson MS, Reuter VE, Linkov I, et al. Glutathione 5transferase PI GST-pi ; class expression by immunohistochemistry in benign and malignant prostate tissue. J Urol 1997; 157: 673-6. Millar DS, Ow KK, Paul CL, et al. Detailed methylation analysis of the glutathione 5-transferase pi GSTP1 ; gene in prostate cancer. Oncogene 1999; 18: 1313-24. Hu X, O'Donnell R, Srivastava SK, et al. Active site architecture of polymorphic forms of human glutathione 5-transferase Pl-1 accounts for their enantioselectivity and disparate activity in the glutathione conjugation of 7-P, 8-a-dihydroxy-9a, 10-a-oxy-7, a ; pyrene. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 1997; 235: 424-8. Hu X, Ji X, Srivastava SK, et al. Mechanism of differential catalytic efficiency of two polymorphic forms of human glutathione 5-transferase Pl-1 in the glutathione conjugation of carcinogenic diol epoxide of chrysene. Arch Biochem Biophys 1997; 345: 32-8. Johansson AS, Stenberg G, Widersten M, et al. Structureactivity relationships and thermal stability of human glutathione transferase Pl-1 governed by the H-site residue 105. J Mol Biol 1998; 278: 687-98. Watson MA, Stewart RK, Smith GBJ, et al. Human glutathione 5-transferase PI polymorphisms: relationship to lung tissue enzyme activity and population frequency distribution. Carcinogenesis 1998; 19: 275-80. Zimniak P, Nanduri B, Pikula S, et al. 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