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I.Roine 1, A. Vasquez2, M neo1 . 1University of Chile, Santiago, Chile; 2 University Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile Introduction: RSV is a common cause of respiratory infection and hospitalization of infants. In Chile RSV produces a massive yearly epidemic with great pressure for hospital beds.We analyzed if home environment plays a role in the need for hospitalization by comparing it between ambulatory and hospitalized patients. Our setting is representative of most urban Latin America: low income, crowding, and high levels of outdoor pollution. Method: Previously healthy, term babies presenting with their first, RSV positive respiratory infection, were enrolled consecutively during 3 RSV epidemics. Patients were hospitalized if their oxygen saturation was below 95% and managed as outpatients when above 94%. Home environment was described by parents occupations, mothers educational level, family size, number of smoking family members, home contacts with a cold during the previous 7 days, kerosene heating and breastfeeding. Results: Hospitalized infants N 182 ; differed from ambulatory patients N 172 ; by having more siblings with a cold OR 1.4, CI 95% 1.1-1.7, p 0.006 ; , more smoking family members OR 1, 2, CI 95% 1.1-1.4, p 0.007 ; and not being breastfed OR 2.1, CI 95% 1.1-4.0, p 0.02 ; , but not in age or sex or the other tested variables p 0.05 ; .The number of siblings with a cold and smoking family members remained independent, significant predictors of hospitalization in logistic regression analysis. Conclusions: Indoor environment makes a difference in RSV severity!

Positive line was partly surrounding the graft. In the remaining 5% of cases, Q.Wnt-1 expression was very low and could not be precisely mapped. The reorganization of Q.Wnt-1 expression was never found in non-integrated grafts. The chick and quail Wnt-1-expressing zones, whether they were continuous 71% of cases, see Figs 5C; 6B ; or adjacent to each other 29% of cases, see Fig. 6A ; , always formed a narrow domain separating the graft from the host. ii ; In 100% of metencephalic type B ; grafts n 36 ; , Q.Wnt1 was regionalized within the grafted tissue as a more or less complete circle-shaped positive region, dorsally in contact with the host and surrounding a tissue of thin teloid appearance Figs 5H, I; 6C, D ; . Based on Wnt-1 expression in met-mesencephalon at the time of grafting see Figs 3C, D; 4G ; , this expression of Wnt-1 probably results from de novo initiation of Wnt-1 transcription within the graft. Importantly, this specific spatial organization of Wnt-1 expression was also observed in non-integrated grafts 3% of cases ; , suggesting that it could occur independently of the surrounding host. When the graft was integrated, the chick host was found to participate in the formation of a complete Wnt-1-positive circle, either through a cluster of strongly Ch.Wnt-1-positive cells on the dorsal aspect of the circle 33% of cases ; Fig. 5I ; , or through a longer line of positive cells surrounding part of the tela 67% of cases ; Fig. 5H, 6C, D ; , usually caudally. In both cases, chick and quail Wnt-1-expressing cells were in continuity with each other. iii ; Met-mesencephalic type C ; grafts n 31 ; gave more variable results concerning Wnt-1 expression, and will be detailed below, in relation with the localization of other phenotypic markers. Briefly, the two aspects described above for mesencephalic and metencephalic grafts were obtained, in various proportions depending on the exact region grafted. iv ; When portions of diencephalon or telencephalon were grafted into the same location n 12 ; , Wnt-1 expression was only observed in the graft in one case, as scattered clusters of positive cells, that is with no sign of reorganization not shown ; . All the other grafts i.e. 92% of cases ; were devoid of Wnt-1-expressing cells Fig. 5J ; . In summary, in a large majority of cases, the host and the grafted portion of met-mesencephalon were observed to cooperate to reconstruct a continuous line of Wnt-1-expressing cells delimiting territories within and around the grafted region. Identification of the territories in contact with Wnt-1positive cells during the ectopic development of met-mesencephalic regions Grafts of met-mesencephalon into chick diencephalon are able to modify the phenotype of the surrounding host tissue Gardner and Barald, 1991; Martinez et al., 1991; Bally-Cuif et al., 1992 ; . To define the phenotype of both the grafted and host structures in contact with the Wnt-1-positive cells, we used the Cotx2, Pax 6 and En-2 markers. The most frequent configurations are schematized in Fig. 8, and detailed observations are presented below. Mesencephalic type A ; grafts see Fig. 6A-B ; The grafted tissue was in all cases En-2- n 11 ; and Cotx2 n 4 ; positive, but Pax 6-negative n 14 ; , indicating that it had maintained its original mesencephalic phenotype. Cotx2 expression was not perturbed in the grafted region not shown ; . En-2 inductions were observed in the host territory in contact with the graft in 65% of cases n 11 ; see Fig. 6A, B ; , principally caudal to the graft. Pax 6 transcription was generally shut off in the induced region asterisk in Fig. 6A, B ; and replaced by En-2 expression, although regions of overlap between high expression of the two genes were sometimes observed rostrally see Fig. 6B, double arrows ; . In most 80% ; of the cases showing En-2 induction, the quail chick Wnt-1-positive line reconstructed in the periphery of the graft ran through the En2-positive territory, separating the graft from the induced host tissue see Fig. 6A, B ; . Wnt-1-positive cells were rarely found between En-2- and Pax 6-expressing domains laterally 20% of cases ; . However, the `deflected' Wnt-1-positive dorsal midline stripe joining the graft was found to border the induced tissue dorsally and to separate it from the contralateral Pax 6expressing cells in 50% of cases open arrows in Fig. 6B ; . Metencephalic type B ; grafts see Fig. 6C-D ; The grafted tissue was in most cases 71%, n 7 ; En-2 positive, although at a rather low level. No induction of En-2 in the host was ever observed around the graft. Pax 6 expression was in most cases maintained near the graft and extended caudally to the same limit as on the contralateral side not shown ; . In all cases studied n 36 ; , the dorsally located tela-like structure bordered by Wnt-1-positive cells stars in Fig. 6C, D ; showed faint Cotx2 expression only visible in Fig. 6D ; , whereas the rest of the graft appeared entirely Cotx2-negative. These two structures can therefore be identified as tela choroidea and metencephalon, respectively. In 92% of cases, Ch.Wnt-1 expression was only found to border the graft along the tela choroidea, when the latter was in contact with the host. It was rapidly interrupted as it reached Q.Wnt-1 expression and the metencephalic tissue. The latter was therefore only rarely 8% of cases ; separated from Pax 6 expression by Wnt-1-positive cells, whereas the tela choroidea was in all cases surrounded by a combination of chick and quail Wnt-1-expressing cells. Met-mesencephalic type C ; grafts Fig. 7 ; These grafts overlapped the constriction and were further subdivided in three categories depending on their rostrocaudal location: as shown in Fig. 2B, C1, C2 and C3 grafts contained approximately the same amount of tissue but a decreasing proportion of metencephalic territory. Grafts of type C1 n 10 ; , which overlap the met-mesencephalic constriction but carry a large portion of metencephalon, behaved exactly as the grafts B previously described, that is developed as a small metencephalic territory Cotx-2- ; and tela choroidea Fig. 7A ; . However, En-2 expression in the graft was generally stronger and was induced in the surrounding host in 40% of cases. In these cases, Ch.Wnt-1 expression was still found to border mainly the tela choroidea, although it could surround the whole graft in some cases Fig. 7A, small arrows ; . This time Ch.Wnt-1-positive cells were found in a En2-positive environment. Grafts of type C 2 and C3 n 21 ; Fig. 7B-D ; gave the same results. They formed in 95% of cases two different structures, separated by a small constriction within the grafted tissue. In all cases, one of these structures was Cotx2-positive and the other Cotx2-negative; their phenotype can therefore be identified as mesencephalic and metencephalic, respectively.

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The answer is yes. I do recall the patient having a list and writing my replies to each question. I did not particularly want to do this, as these were his questions and I told him that I preferred to wait to hear from the Workers' Compensation Board with their questions, as they would probably be writing and I did not want to go through the process twice. My answers would have been the same had I known the patient had back injuries prior to his 1991 accident. 3. The WCB medical consultant writes in May 2005: "Although Dr. Gittens had suggested possible scar formation contributing to the pain, the possibility was inconsistent with symptoms exhibited. Right sided scarring would have produced right sided pain; but in [the worker's] case, the pain was left sided." The appeal committee would like clarification from you, as an expert, if right sided scarring only produces right sided pain? If so, would the left sided pain be exclusively the product of degenerative disc disease? I agree that left-sided pain is more likely to be due to degenerative changes when the surgery was on the right side. I think it is very likely that the right-sided surgery might have aggravated the degenerative change, so contributing to left-sided pain. After any disc surgery there are changes in the facet joints that can lead to further degeneration and pain. Also, I not aware of how significant the surgery was on the right side, but it is possible to develop neuropathic pain if there had been any nerve compression that might have involved the left side. Your report of June 22, 2005 states "degenerated disc at the L4-5 level. At the L3-4 level there is mild to moderate stenosis. I do not see anything surgical on the scan." Does this mean no surgical scarring was noted which may be causing the worker's pain? My comment that I did not see anything surgical on the scan does not mean that there was any scarring, but there was nothing that I felt further surgery would help. 4. A November 2002 lumbar spine x-ray and an April 2003 CT scan report the following: "Lower lumbar degenerative disc disease and facet arthropathy. Narrowed L4-5 disc space with multifactorial spinal stenosis. Mild spinal stenosis L3-4." An MRI done in 2004 confirmed central spinal stenosis at L3-4 and right sided L4-5 foraminal stenosis. The April 2003 CT scan also mentions "moderate to advanced facet osteoarthritis"' at the L3-4 and "advanced facet osteoarthritis" at the L4-5 level. Could you relate any of these findings directly to [the worker's] 1991 injury or are they degenerative in nature? Could the osteoarthritis be the cause of his ongoing chronic back pain? While changes of central and foraminal stenosis do occur with aging, these changes can be accelerated and potentiated by surgery. I believe that all these factors are related to his ongoing pain.
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Table 4 Summary of Hierarchical Regression Analyses for Variables Predicting Self-efficacy Variable Warmth of Mother Warmth of Father Parent Monitoring Trust in parents Esteem from Friends Friend involvement Trust in Peers Comparison with Peers Increase in R2 Total R2 Adjusted R2 * p .05, * p .01 only two predictors significantly contribute to the 27% of the total explained variance in selfesteem. Warmth of Father keeps its importance from Step 1 and in Step 2 it is joined by Esteem from Friends. It may be concluded that the boys' self-esteem grows with perceived warmth of father and with the growing esteem or respect that the adolescent perceives from his friends. For girls, all the included predictors explain 22% of variance. Four predictors turned up significant: Warmth of Mother, Trust in Parents, Esteem from Friends, Global Comparison with Peers. The influence of trust in parents rose in the final model to the level of statistical significance. Esteem from friends and Global comparison showed as new significant predictors. All these predictors have a positive relationship with self-esteem. The results of hierarchical regression for the self-efficacy are presented in Table 4. In Step 1, parent-related variables explained significant portion of variance only for boys. For both sexes, the amount of variance in self-efficacy explained by parent-related variables was quite small 6 percent for boys and 3 percent for girls. Step 2, in which the friend and peer variables were entered, brought a significant increase in explained variance of self-efficacy in both sexes. The final patterns of significant predictors reveal some sex differences. The influence of parents is very specific. While the perceived warmth of father is positively related to boys' self-efficacy, the standardized beta coefficient for warmth of mother is not significant. Concerning the block of friend and peer variables, general comparison with peers and trust to friends are significant predictors. Girls' level of self-efficacy grows with the trust in their parents and with positive feelings received from their peers whether in the form of the feeling of acceptance or in the form of comparisons with peers. Our aim is to compare the predictive power of parent-related and friend peer-related variables. A problem can be seen in the fact that the correlations among parent-related variables in our sample are higher than the correlations among friend peer-related variables. A lower level of multicollinearity among friend peer-related variables gives them a chance to explain more variance in the dependent variable. One way to deal with this problem, though not perfect, is to aggregate the four variables for each source of influence parents vs. friends peers ; into one composite variable. Thus, we will have one score representing each adolescent's relationship with his or her parents Relationship with Parents ; and one score representing his or her relationship with friends peers Relationship with Friends Peers ; . Tables 5 and 6 present the regressions done in the same manner as those presented above with the difference that only two predictor variables were used: Relationship with Parents and Relationship with Friends Peers. Table 5 presents the results of the 2-step regression of these two variables on self-esteem and Table 6 presents their regression on self-effiacacy. The expected pattern of regression weights and explained variance did not show up in terms of statistical significance. Both aggregate variables are significant predictors of both self-esboys N 286 ; Step 1 Step 2 -.055 -.094 .236 * .214 * .029 .062 .037 * .205 * .060 * .097 * .060 .157 .041 girls N 424 ; Step 1 Step 2 .092 .049 -.015 -.107 -.067 .136 .176 * .061 -.091 .135 * .327 * .031 .134 * .031 .165 .018 and revlimid.

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The effects of human serum on the MIC and MBC of BMS-284756 were determined using two isolates each of group A -haemolytic streptococci, Moraxella catarrhalis, MSSA, S. pneumoniae and E. coli. A microdilution technique, as described previously, 9 was employed using IsoSensitest broth Oxoid, Basingstoke, UK ; plus 0, 20 or 70% human serum TCS, Bodolph Clayton, UK ; and supplemented with 5% laked horse blood Oxoid ; for fastidious bacteria. Doubling dilutions of BMS-284756 were inoculated with 105 cfu mL of the test organism and incubated as previously. The MIC was defined as above, the minimal bactericidal concentration MBC ; as the lowest concentration of antimicrobial to prevent growth on subculture of the broth for 1824 h in appropriate conditions and rhogam.

Fig. 12. Transport function of rROAT1-GFP in transfected killifish renal proximal tubules. Two days after transfection with either pEGFP-C3 or pEGFP-C3 rROAT1, tubules were exposed to 1 M their culture medium. After 30 min, confocal images were acquired, and cellular and luminal fluorescence intensities were measured from the stored confocal images. Each bar represents mean fluorescence intensity for 912 tubules SE. Cellular and luminal fluorescence intensities were significantly greater in pEGFP-C3 rROAT1-transfected tubules than in pEGFP-C3-transfected tubules * P 0.05 and * P 0.0001, respectively ; . Transport assay was performed on 3 separate occasions, and a representative experiment is shown. Fig. 10. Cross-sectional image analysis of rROAT1-GFP-expressing killifish renal proximal tubules. Image stack was obtained as described in Fig. 4. A: pEGFP-C3 rROAT1-transfected tubule. Lines b and c designate the axes used for cross sections through the image stack shown in B and C, respectively ; . Note strong signal in basal and lateral membranes of tubule cells and absence of signal from nucleus and apical region and restasis

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