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The aim of this study was to determine the activity and toxicity of a vinorelbine and ifosfamide combination in platinum-resistant advanced ovarian cancer. Sex in pregnancy is okay unless you have a complication that prevents you from having intercourse. Talk with your provider at your OB visits. And vincristine or six courses of etoposide and ifosfamide in small cell.
Circle One: Moderators: Robert S. Bell, MD John H. Healey, MD Francis J. Hornicek, MD 8: 05 8: Invited Talk Treatment Induced Pathologic Necrosis: A Predictor of Local Recurrence and Survival in Patients Receiving Neoadjuvant Therapy for High-Grade Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcomas Fritz C. Eilber, MD Invited Talk Ifosfamide Based Chemotherapy is Associated with Improved Survival in Patients with High-Risk Primary Extremity Synovial and Liposarcoma - Fritz C. Eilber, MD 8: 35 9: a.m. Paper #1 Outcome of Epidural Dissection in Limb Salvage Surgery for Soft Tissue Sarcoma Paper #2 The Impact of Previous Surgical Manipulation of the Subcutaneous Soft Tissue Sarcoma on Oncologic Outcome Paper #3 The Surgical and Functional Outcome of Limb-Salvage Surgery with Vascular Reconstruction for Soft-Tissue Sarcoma of the Extremity. Age Clinical evidence obtained from individuals aged 66-68 years of age.66 Level 2 Retired ; used in model. Working age assumed.

Cyclophosphamide and Ifosfamide Metabolites rebrospinal Fluid of Children. S. Murray Yule, Andrew D. J. Pearson, and Alan V. Boddy and iloprost. Redox buffer in many cell types.31 We have previously shown that 4-OH-IF dose dependently inhibits the proliferation and cytotoxic responses of subpopulations of lymphocytes. These effects were shown to be dependent on the availability of intracellular GSH.6 NK-cell GSH levels and cytotoxic activity are more resistant to ifosfamide or mafosfamide treatment than CTLs because of the higher initial GSH levels and the elevated level of GSH synthesis in NK cells.6, 7 Although the effect of 4-OH-IF and the subsequent GSH depletion has been studied in T cells and NK cells, little is known about the effects of 4-OH-IF on GSH depletion in APCs such as monocytes and DCs. In the present study we compared GSH levels in T cells, NK cells, monocytes, and immature and mature DCs and found that when comparing cells from the same donors, monocytes and DCs had higher constitutive levels of GSH than T cells and NK cells. 4-OH-IF 100 M ; reduced GSH levels in DCs to 50% of control values, whereas T-cell and NK-cell GSH levels were reduced to 10% of control values. In agreement with our previous study, 6 we found that NK cells were less sensitive to 4-OH-IF treatment than T cells because 4-OH-IF 50 M ; reduced GSH levels to only 80% of control values in NK cells but to approximately 20% of the control values in T cells. BSO, which inhibits GSH synthesis by inactivating glutamylcysteine synthetase, the enzyme catalyzing the rate-limiting step in glutathione biosynthesis, 32 significantly reduced GSH levels in all the cell types studied. We also studied the effect of 4-OH-IF and BSO on human monocytederived DC function. BSO and 4-OH-IF treatment led to a significant reduction in GSH levels in immature and mature DCs, which was accompanied by a significant reduction in the ability of the DCs to stimulate T-cell proliferation in an allogeneic mixed-leukocyte reaction MLR ; . GSH-OEt, which reconstituted DC GSH levels after 4-OH-IF treatment, also restored the allostimulatory capacity of DCs and their ability to stimulate T-cell IFN- production in allogeneic cultures. The reduction in cell proliferation and cytokine production observed was not caused by a direct cytotoxic effect of 4-OH-IF because there was no change in the viability of the cells after treatment. We have also previously shown that the proliferative activity of lymphocytes could be restored after GSH depletion with BSO but not after treatment with 4-OH-IF6 because 4-OH-IF irreversibly inhibits cell proliferation by alkylating biomolecule nucleophilic centers.33 The fact that the reduction in cell proliferation observed in our DC PBL cultures could be reconstituted with GSH-OEt after ifosfamide or BSO treatment rules out the possibility that any residual 4-OH-IF directly inhibited T-cell proliferation and supports the view that DC GSH levels play an important role in T-cell proliferation and IFNproduction. The induction of alloreactive PBL proliferation by DCs can be influenced by several factors such as DC maturation, costimulatory molecule expression, and cytokine environment. We found no significant decrease in the expression of the DC maturation marker CD83, the costimulatory molecules CD40 and CD86, or MHC class 1 and HLA-DR molecules after 4-OH-IF or BSO treatment. DCs from patients with hepatitis C virus infection HCV-DC ; stimulate allogeneic DCs to a lesser extent than normal DCs and.

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Combination chemotherapy with gemcitabine and ifosfamide as second-line treatment in metastatic urothelial cancer. A phase II trial conducted by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group and indinavir. PB Hyatt OunaJa tiani, * , . and Ohariaa Wfljaon, . all o t whom I f k aaa e k w UalnlBg at: to * 1a, tt * haM * at la K ffaai'Xafiara'EaJaal * , 'saaiaaej WUIlarA WaM, Jrr liab * t traiwFfiarataay, I r e d fceVbantur. ; , raV from tn * * Dod * t ArtUJmy at Fort Haaooiiavttiiiitiaa * , A, aaw iwaaa' iniflMt aid la balntr J ri-ei ; lmitl In the borouah and ittt- k A o W Jfm * D r . - JUttlr * AOaatlo danta wbo daalra , to.thrMJ . H i win b * thef gu * atipr * iiquaiied to phone l l n Johft Oalm, er at.aH. OaoraT * 1 * ohuroti . p t RumHD lOW, '. , j TJiaftfiiBl -WlUamaoo TJioniaa or Ml * I .MOB thla borough, who la atatloned at Motth CaMdina.'. lai-a.- gueaV or j Fort Braac, haa Joined Mra. Thorn * and Mr * . WiU; Ward- J h a - J Tlaitafr tha HlgiilaPd Plnaa Inn, l e v t lng frienda. at' yarttneiiiiiwiV , .-"" . Mlaa Peggy - K e l Byoaoior * Pine * , North Carolina, Mr. and Sir * . WUtlam .Koeeall avenue Bhr * w * bury, waa i | U far MO d o lloenaaa haye been Wand oottaga. an M B * aiwwtra last w i t laattad in the boro'ujh, Thla number hy ranted the Mr. Bua * U la proForrait avanua. flrt party u given Thuraday n i f aUfhtly more than half the num- gram i director of tha JSatontown by Mr * . jeetBh Peyton, u l 1UH ber ragMareii taat year. Under tha June Peyton of Hubbard PtrV, Mid new atate law th deadline thU year U; B.O. olub. Arthur Marphcy, . * nior . at Leifayth * MMmA by Ml * Nan and Aud- w u February 1, and in oompllanoe rey Iveraon of IBlberoB ttaturday, a with the provlalotu of the law the etta oollege, apent the mid-term vacation at hla horn * o n N men herg'of tha RUBaaon pollaa de * atraat, ''j - '. '. partment have bejun to laaue aumMl * -Jan * Pwu-iall returned | e moneaa I s all who have not taken' Tr * nton tat * Taaoh * r * college Monout lieaaiaj for their dogi day following her mld * m * t * r The tire rationing; committee dur" * ing: January . laaued purohealng ar- cation at home. dera lor four tlree and four tubaa for the bojoufh parhaga truck, two tirea and me tub * for the borough l N H and one - tire to Ms I * Healer, Tha amsmrttee alas approv- l a F a application of Ouetav BchmiUt aad Mr * , 'M * wa Black Point road far two tirea Larry1 * harher * li W1H; D * olod and two tiahaa for a trailer. Theae hMB 1 p. m, to p; -m.Tuea4eiy * ! for tiraa are of a n ohaotete aiae and are t h , wlnUr. outalda tha quota. L Mr. and Mr * , yyanoa * ftaaoh, Mr * . Mri, Baydeii gmibh, the foraaer Roa * Rauch, ' Mr. and M M Frad allaa meaaUa NelUon, gave a oock- Fialbott, Mr * . Maud, Johnaon, Mia, tatl p a f Saturday afternoon in Baralce Aok * r, Mr. a n d Walter toBor of h t huehaad'a. Wi d. Burkhardt and Mr. and Mx * , Alb-rt S u k inaludad Mr. and Mr * . O, FradaTlflTreiLaonrMKand Mr * . BaySotai, t m ard D, Stout, Mr. and Mr * . J, Upaur a ed day'' ght * Moorhaad, Mr and Mra, 31 BottrBa9 J o p ronl vlatted - BU family Ruthrauff, Mr. and Mra, Alfred N, over i the w * k * nd - and, ipeBt. S o n Saadlaaton, Mlaeaa laiurm avd Heal da at Br kjsm , N qaddla ~ " r Caaay Htllar, KllaJkbeth and Honor * . Knapp day a t CUlTwood to * anb, .' and Harry potU, Kdward W. ScudOU * Boyd at hom * ill and Mr, DIX.T der, Jr., Frank Hughe * and William Boyd' * broth * r Alfred 1 * a patient at Heller. ' alias Kelly, who U- the daughter "Mr, and Mra, Walter Brows gn e Monmouth Mamorial hoapHal. -'Mr. and Mr * . Urban Hancock are e f Mr, and Mr * . Bdward M. Kelly, a dinner Saturday stgnt, f * will M m i uwan m, albs' Ueutf VredartelE 0rahamr arho Tia' on of Fort Bill, Oklahoma, Satur- atatioBed' a t iTort HanooeH , a s d Mra, Saturday at - Monmouth Memorial day, February 14, at Fort Sill, Th raham nave- taaten the Sheldon hospital, : . The.' .nawoomer will ha " praspsstiye bride and her family will Qoiemas'houBe BeikBap 'lana asd- named Blanch * JMlambeth. leave for Vert 8111 H I ! war * hoal * at dinner Saturday night. " Mr. and Mr * . Henry "thlema m d son' WiUiam' war * Sunday gueata of fei the ceremony, * ~ r Mr, and Mra, ' Sdward, W. Soudder Mr, a n d Mra.' * efl Liebhauaer. Decoration * at .the Peyton party have' gone' to their winter-home in : Mtaa.Dorl * singly ha * been-ill; but ' ' were.in.blue andpink, -The refraah- Hataoiusba, Key, Jlorlda, ie iup'an'd ahsut , a e w , Among'thoie"whs' had luBohaon at mant table was decorated with Sg' Mr * . J Rawllnon Oompton, 'wedding sake, - topped, wjth. a -.inlnia * the ahootlBsj house of tBa Eyialas' who ta'aoheaflfat grade at-Port Monturn bride' and bridegroom. G u u Gauntry club Sunday were Mrl aad. mouth gfaminsr: 'aohos1, ha * returned were Mm.' Edith Etwyer, Mr * . Ed- Mra, C, L. Deepard, Mr. and Mra. Ed- to- her poaitlon -after being 111 atase , Trird Hely, Mr. Cheitsr L. Fo, rrr, win , D. BrasaoiBe, J r Lawla H t h yar. ' ' i UauteaaBt, d Mra, " George-J wight, ' M M Hob * tt- Rlnenardt and eon * , K. Kolly, Mtsaea Marlon Hogan, Joan M r . Herbert and Paul; Mr * . l K. LlebCotter, Badla Power. Marjorle Jsnel, and' Mra, HowlaBd i Jonea, .Mr, !asd. haujer and Mia * Helen * -Nothnagle Nancy Barnea, Claudia Rlvenburf, Mrs, Strother. Jonee, Mr, . and - Mra, T all of Irvington, wer-Sunday gneat * oalAnka lly, uBlaJBllysJ * a&c Waljar j r o MraiiMirb: of Mr. and'Mra.'Oharlej-Llebliaugcr. garet Kelly, Mary. Kelly .and .Anita' ahair ar Mrr : e d MrlV ftinll\Hut * - Mr * . Freda WlnklaoJan-and Mra. rleon, Oharle Morton, Mr. and Mra. Fred, Llebhauam- motorad to Cnrlit May. Peyton, St, Valentine' * day defloration * pre- W i l l hoapltal, J * r * y City, "TtiMday; and dominated : a t the shower given by M. Xague, Mn WUesn Smith and vMted Mr * .- Paultn * Matthew * , who the Mines Zveraos. ' Olfta 'were ar M i patlnt there. Later they vialtMr, and MraL Franklin Kinpibiiry e d , M ranged under a red crepe paper ua --brella decorated with Cuplil herU, of Old Farm -village, are. the par- * : t o n : - : -, -'.- ; Gueata included K l u rtivenburg, iata o f on born MoBdty WorBlnK Kali"'.and? Pale, : asn and.'daughter Mlai Same * , Misses Jo Ansa Kelly, at Blvirvlew hoapltal, ot Mr. ahd Mra. Cornellua Brltton, William Xlrk of Carton atreet left Lillian L a m Phylll * Mathla ueidMf' morning to he iBdusted into are 111 and, * UH abaent from * chool. ItD, the Army air' eorpa, . Mra, Qeorga'JohBaoB of Weat Park waa hoiteM at bridge laat Thunday Bight in honor of Mra, Randolph Tb. Ed. B m k B.HU1- M * , 1 * Boujbt Barrow * , wife of Lieut. Barrowa, who &k T b e CslftBdHaile'a e t s has been atatloned at Saady Hook A iiarBaeue'dlsner-wlil.be htifl'iB for the laat alx monthg. The Bar- the pansaaea ?f .uia Plaa. Srealt- A, The following pupils .of St, dames row * ; . Gframma?' school are' en 'the' attend * , Riley. are leaving thia weak for Fort M. K . aaee and, scholastic honor roll for David, Kanaa * . with their young * on tarnseri .a ele k, Mra. Z , IJ, RabMr * . Barrowa received a gift laate ia In ehaJike ' . January! from her friend * . Prie winner * ware f The ipiaa Sfa k flra ees aay wili. Attesdaiiee, firat 'Sfade--Jshn Brows, GorneHua Qlaavr, w l H i Mra. Amber * Nelion and Mr * . Ray- m e e t mond Kallker, Other * preaent were waa ditp eed laat weak e a tba eja rttia, KatBafiBa X s r IiTseH, MbMea Sigrid Nelion, Mae Welsh, plan M a y NaUI, S u e F Porta Jshnaon, Mri, Paul J * ter * sn operaUva and af r the .benaflt si the eonpany Mr. B'yUtrton. gf. Ae B e Oajla. and Lawrence MowsmiisK. flofi&S DBBIH, jaauf a n liauli bury E faTwaa tbe winner. Gloria S t a Get&eriae l * n a , H i-Kecutlve c o m m Zrvlsff'gteen * r aen af Mr, and Mra, ' Maahaii, J a l e Parent-Teacher a u o e Ksward Steven * , h a f kept frosa AUandtfiea, tbtra a T a Gaiaatfri- w i l l tola slaaa in the Tinton SaHa aehejel a l l De0 * r G, M B Gaul, R l t . utk- h o m e part of Usa.week a-aevere-eeld, 11a, Ja&a BTafrinatan, M a r y OatJU A n d Mra, Nichola * VanWlckl * 1 * r * eev i r i Garratlla M a r e&tire i f s u will s e c eriag from baek. in|uriea auetained s t e Maa&as, J a a e recent fall.

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Amitriptyline Elavil ; Neuropathic pain 25 mg po hs 10 mg or less for elderly ; 25-150 mg po hs For all: Side effects include dry mouth, drowsiness, dizziness, constipation, urinary retention, confusion. Titrate dose every few days to minimize side effects. Avoid in the elderly. Caution in patients with cardiovascular disease. Lower side effect profile than amitriptyline. Titrate as above. Lower side effect profile than amitriptyline. Titrate as above and infliximab.

The Birth Resource Centre offers practical and emotional support to women and their families during pregnancy and after birth, through the provision of antenatal and postnatal classes. Trained facilitators run Yoga for Pregnancy classes, Baby Massage and Shiatsu, Baby Music and Parent and Baby Yoga. There are also birth preparation days, a breastfeeding support group, a home birth support group, birth pools for hire, and a lending library. In addition we provide 1: confidential counselling for women experiencing depression, distress and anxiety during pregnancy or early parenthood. Our aim is for all women and their families to experience pregnancy, birth and new parenthood with confidence and dignity. We offer extensive information and respect women's choices whatever these may be. The emphasis is on women's shared experiences and so the majority of classes include discussion time over tea and biscuits. One woman commented, "The classes and informal support helped me relax and enjoy my pregnancy" Please see our advertisement for contact details. In patients who develop ifosfamide mesna associated cns toxicity the pharmacokinetics of parent ifosfamide are not aberrant and intal. 1. FIGO. Annual report on the results of treatment in gynecological cancer. Int J Gynecol Obstet 1991; 36 suppl ; : 389. 2. Perez CA, Gersell DJ, Hoskins WJ, McGuire WP. Uterine cervix. In: Hoskins WJ, Perez CA, Young RC, editors. Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1992; 62234. 3. Kigawa J, Minagawa Y, Ishihara H, Itamochi H, Kanamori Y, Terakawa N. The role of neoadjuvant intraarterial infusion chemotherapy with cisplatin and bleomycin for locally advanced cervical cancer. J Clin Oncol 1996; 19: 2559. Scarabelli C, Zarrelli A, Gallo A, Visentin MC. Multimodal treatment with neoadjuvant intraarterial chemotherapy and radical surgery in patients with stage IIIBIVA cervical cancer. Cancer 1995; 76: 101926. Kumar L, Biswal BM, Kumar S, Kriplani A, Rath GK. Randomized phase III study of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy CT ; + radiotherapy RT ; vs RT alone in locally advanced cervical cancer. ASCO Proc 1996; 15: 819. Thar T, Million RR, Daly JW. Radiation treatment of carcinoma of the cervix. Semin Oncol 1982; 9: 299311. Statement for the year 1985, inclusive. Cervix. Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi 1995; 47: 299334 in Japanese ; . 8. Bonomi P, Blessing JA, Stehman FB, DiSaia PJ, Walton L and Major FJ Randomized trial of three cisplatin dose schedules in squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: a Gynecologic Oncology Group study. J Clin Oncol 1985; 3: 107985. Itoh N, Sawairi M, Hanabayashi T, Mori H, Yamawaki Y, Tamaya T. Neoadjuvant intraarterial infusion chemotherapy with a combination of mitomycin-C, vincristine and cisplatin for locally advanced cervical cancer: preliminary report. Gynecol Oncol 1992; 47: 3914. Hashii K, Tateyama I, Mori T, Harima K, Harima Y. Evaluation of preoperative intraarterial chemotherapy in combination with transcatheter arterial embolization in case of advanced cervical cancer. Nihon Gan Chiryoh Gakkaishi 1992; 27: 695705 in Japanese ; . 11. Kim KH, Lee BH, Do YS, Chin SY, Park SY, Kim BG et al. Stage IIb cervical carcinoma: MR evaluation of effect of intraarterial chemotherapy. Radiology 1994; 192: 15. Higuchi T, Kikushi M, Okazaki M. Hepatocellular carcinoma after transcatheter hepatic arterial embolization. A histopathological study of 84 resected cases. Cancer 1994; 73: 225967. Fuller A, Elliot N, Kolslaff C. Lymph node metastases of carcinoma of the cervix stage IBIA: implication for prognosis and treatment. Gynecol Oncol 1982; 13: 165. Kato T, Nishimura H, Yakushiji M, Noda K, Terashima Y, Takeuchi S et al. Phase II study of 254-S cis-diammine glycolato platinum ; for gynecological cancer Gan To Kagaku Ryouho 1992; 19: 695701 in Japanese ; . 15. Noda K, Takeuchi S, Kurihara S, Sugawa T, Kato T, Ikeda M et al. Phase II study of cisplatin for cervical and endometrial carcinomas Gan To Kagaku Ryouho 1987; 14: 112935 in Japanese ; . 16. Hirabayashi K, Okada E, Nakazuma Y, Akamatsu Y, Sezaki H, Ohta M, et al. Combination chemotherapy with 254-S, ifosfamide and pepleomycin for advanced or recurrent cervical cancer. Nippon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai Zasshi 1992; 44: 3418 in Japanese ; . 17. Mitsumoto T, Shiota M, Ikeda M, Hoshiai, Noda K. The analysis of intraarterial 254-S for the patient with stage III cervical cancer. Sanfujinka No Shinpo 1996; 48: 804 in Japanese.

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481 cycles P 0.028 ; . A median of two platelet transfusions and two packed red blood cell transfusions were required following each cycle of treatment. Discussion Other investigators have explored repetitive high-dose therapy for breast cancer by attempting to repeat or combine recognized 'single-transplant' regimens or modifying existing regimens by selective reductions in drug doses. Not unexpectedly this has resulted in wide variation in reported toxicities [10-12]. These results emphasize the need for careful dose-escalation studies of repetitive high-dose therapy. Indeed, no formal phase I studies of repetitive high-dose therapy have been published to date. Non-haematological toxicity determined the MTD of our regimen. Although we were able to deliver this therapy three-times every 28 days ; in the majority of patients 71% ; , our study demonstrates that the use of high-dose ifosfamide for treatment of MBC is problematic with the dose limiting toxicities of renal-tubular acidosis, encephalopathy, enterocolitis and mucositis all being ifosfamide-related. The major thiotepa-related toxicities observed were mucositis, interstitial pneumonitis and skin rash. Importantly, although the maximum cumulative dose of thiotepa in this study was 1050 mg m2, the typical neurological toxicity of a 'dementia-like syndrome' was not observed. However, formal neuropsychiatric testing was not performed and subtle defects may not have been detected. Although the re-admission rate was high, the length of stay in hospital was relatively short at five days and patients treated at level 4 or below did not require opiate analgesia or parenteral nutrition for mucositis. This is of some importance as the regimen achieves substantial dose-intensity while maintaining patients in the outpatient setting for the majority of their treatment. We conclude that repeated cycles of high-dose ifosfamide, thiotepa and paclitaxel can be delivered in the majority of patients and this combination warrants further investigation. The recommended doses for phase II and III studies are ifosfamide 10 g m2 ; , thiotepa 350 mg m2 ; and paclitaxel 175 mg m2 ; . References and invirase.
V216 Patients and methods: At present, we have treated 26 patients median age 43 ; with the ifosfamide + etoposide + G-CSF combination. The diagnoses are as follows: follicular lymphoma 17 ; , diffuse large B-cell lymphoma 4 ; , T-cell lymphoma 3 ; , Hodgkin's disease 1 ; and solid tumor 1 ; . Nineteen patients were in CR whereas 7 patients were not in remission at time of mobilization. Thirteen patients had received more than 3 lines of therapy, 16 patients had received prior therapy with fludarabine and 6 patients had failed the first mobilization. The mobilization regimen consists of ifosfamide 10 g m2 total dose, by continuous infusion for 3 days ; and etoposide 900 mg m2 total dose ; plus G-CSF beginning on day 5 and continuing until the completion of leukapheresis ; . Results: The median interval between chemotherapy and apheresis was 19 days range 1326 ; and the median of days with G-CSF was 15 range 10 23 ; . The median number of apheresis was 1 range 1 3 ; to collect a median of 6.37106 kg CD34 + cells 0.64% only 1 patient needed 3 apheresis to collect more than 3106 kg CD34 + cells and 2 patients failed to achieve more than 3106 kg CD34 + cells. The major complication was febrile neutropenia related to central venous line infection, but all patients responded to empirical antibiotic therapy and no toxic deaths were observed. Conclusion: The administration of ifosfamide and etoposide is an effective mobilization regimen associated to a high number of progenitor cells collected with a low number of apheresis, even in heavily pre-treated patients and poor mobilizers.

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Layers; if ns4 ; function redo ; if ns4 ; onresize redo; - synonym ifex n, 3 - bis 2 - chloroethyl ; tetrahydro - 2h - 1, 3, 2 - oxazaphosphorin - 2 - amine - 2 - oxide molecular formula c 7 h molecular weight 26 09 cas number 3778-73-2 eg ec number 223-237-3 expand collapse all descriptions biochem physiol actions ifosfamide is a nitrogen mustard compound that is a structural isomer of cyclophosphamide and iressa.
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